85: coma, interlude 17


i told her I didn’t eat the roses;
I told her I didn’t eat the coffee;
I told her I didn’t eat the cat;
I told her I didn’t eat the tires off the car

but nevertheless, the woman
with the tulip cup had soft lips;

soft lips;

I remember them,
Interstate 10,
but this is the future;

i blink.
Thor coughs.
It could be any time.

he sees me
wants something
I could never convey–

i wave at the confectioner
and his chocolates
on the corner;

saying, give me something for Imelda,
who loves me

and expects me
in the desert
at the doorstep
of a white house,

and I remember them,
Eye 10,
but this is the future;

soft lips;
soft words.
We said: when will the next war come?

and I remember them,

and, opening the door,
the woman with the tulip cup,
opening, with the soft lips,

but, that’s the future . . .

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