The rakes with the heavy books were jealous of another group of rakes. This other group possessed smaller books that required very little effort to carry or hold. Sometimes these rakes would watch the rakes who bore the heavy books with a certain amount of spite themselves for they thought that the larger heavier books might contain heavier ideas (and thus more purposeful or impressive burdens), thicker paper, strange orthographic mysteries like those that adventurers find in the deep caves under mountains.
On the other hand, the rakes with the heavy books simply thought that the rakes with the lighter books had it easier, skipping about with their thin volumes, happy feathers, the contents of which must come at very little cost to the bones or to the limbs.
One of the long-armed rakes said, "If we didn't have to work so hard at carrying these books, we would make war."
One of the thin-armed rakes said, "If we weren't so busy coveting long arms, we'd come up with a plan."
This, of course, happened. One night, the gossamer rakes started to dig tunnels. Using technology, they figured the direction they had to go to penetrate the muscled rakes' compound. But, soon after starting the project, they grew weary, having very little energy for digging.
The large rakes also designed a plan that failed. They figured, with their great strength, they would attack the thin-muscled rakes' compound at high sun and fling stones over the gates and crush the enemy. But, when they looked for stones to throw, they found none (none worthy of their muscles), and had no idea how to get stones from the foothills to these flat lands, and so gave up.
Today, the rakes watch each other suspiciously. Sometimes they even mingle, looking for weaknesses, some exchange glad tidings but these glad expressions are lies. They carry their books. One gang of rakes grows stronger. The other gang of rakes grows nimble. Maybe the future of the rakes is bright, maybe not so bright. We know one thing: the rakes will never put their books down, which is the solution.